Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What happened to Rudy? And John Edwards? And Fred Thompson? I was so used to seeing them on TV! And now there are only a few candidates left. The big issues, as far as I can tell, is whether Barack snubbed Hillary (I do that sometimes when I'm cranky), whether Barack is part of something called Camelot (apparently there's an old song that goes with it, and somebody named JFK), and whether Mac has been too mean to Mitt. It kind of sounds like the fights that break out on the playground.
We are close to something called Super Tuesday. Or Super Duper Tuesday, when they get extra excited. I don't know what makes it super, but everyone keeps talking about it. I'm just hoping it's a school holiday.
I want to blog about other news, but there doesn't seem to be any other news. Except a big football game on Sunday. Some kind of bowl. Ha, next thing you know they'll be calling that super too.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I saved the day today! No joke. I was strapped in my car seat when my mom got out and the car accidentally locked. What a crisis! What, I wondered, would Dora do in this situation? I had to think think think. I was able to reach the car keys that someone had brilliantly left on the seat next to me. I didn't know which button to push so I tried them all. You had to push hard. Finally I squeezed it hard enough and the doors unlocked. I'm thinking of selling the movie rights. What do you think?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I cry all the time. Like this: waaahhh! I cry when I'm told to get off the computer, I cry when I can't watch another video, I cry when it's time to go to bed, and sometimes I cry just because I feel like it. Nobody much likes it.
So how does Hillary win the New Hampshire primary after crying? Is it all right to cry because you're a grownup? She wasn't even yelling and weeping, the way I do. All she did was choke up and hold back her tears. And people felt sorry for her! Poor baby. Guess I don't quite get this running for president thing.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Who is Mike Huckabee? I never heard of the guy before. How did he win Iowa? I saw him on TV playing the guitar. Do you have to play a guitar to run for president? Is Hillary losing because she doesn't play anything and can't sing? I'm glad I don't have to go to Iowa. All the reporters look like they're shivering in al the snow.
This is my first post of 2008. I won't bore you with my lousy New Year's Eve, where I couldn't get anything stronger than chocolate milk. I guess I should start writing more about the campaign. Maybe it will boost my traffic.
I sang a song for my parents the other day. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family..." They looked horrified. I don't get it. Doesn't everyone love Barney?