Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

They speak French in Canada? Why wasn't I informed of this? I thought it was just like America with more moose and maple trees. But when I got to Montreal--my first-ever foreign trip--and saw that the red stop signs said "Arret," I figured something was up. Everybody seemed to be smoking in outdoor cafes and ordering croissants. There was even a candy store called "Sucre Bleu!" Some protestors were on strike at the schools, but I have enough trouble reading English signs. And watching French TV wasn't too exciting. They have one kiddie show where the grownups dress up as bears--quel horreur! And "Les Teletubbies" is just as lame with dubbed voices.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Newsweek claims that young babies can feel empathy for others--hahahaha! In a cover story on "Your Baby's Brain," the scientific "proof" is that if you put a baby--say, me--next to a crying baby, I'll start to cry too. But that's not because you feel sorry for the other bawler! It's because crying is contagious--you hear someone wailing loud enough and it makes you upset. I've heard adults say they feel like crying when I've been at it for awhile (especially if they're stuck next to me on a plane). But the article is right about one thing: babies are a whole lot smarter than people give us credit for! How do you think we get the grownups to do whatever we want?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Can you believe this? Babies are on no-fly lists! Sweet, lovable babies, blocked from boarding planes because some security clown thinks they might be terrorists. Hellooo? These people need a CRASH course in common sense! Everyone seems to be interviewing Ingrid Sanden, whose 1-year-old daughter was temporarily barred from a Phoenix-to-Washington flight. (She did look a little squirrelly.) The best part was watching her squirm off her mommy's lap while Wolf Blitzer was trying to interview her. By the time Ingrid was talking to Keith Olbermann, she was bribing the little brat by feeding her cookies. She may terrorize her parents, but I doubt she's armed.

Monday, August 08, 2005

From my early blogging days

I think the jig may be up. My folks began to suspect I knew how to use the remote control, rather than just nibble on it, when I started pointing it at the TV. But today I was caught trying to undo the parental controls. This, they regarded as a hilarious coincidence. But the truth is, I want to watch the good stuff! No more relegating me to Nickelodeon and the Cartoon Network. Well, I'll have to keep pressing the buttons.
P.S. - I'm sad about Peter Jennings. I liked watching him, even though he went off the air when I was 4-1/2 months old.
You can always reach me at

Friday, August 05, 2005

What the #%!!@$! is up with Bob Novak, cursing and walking off the set? Oops, I shouldn't be using that word. It was just babbling, honest! I hope I don't get my mouth washed out with soap.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What is a "recess" appointment? I thought recess was when they let you out of school and you got to run around. John Bolton sounds a little old for that.
I'm in L.A. again this week. On Pacific Coast Highway I saw a sign that said "SLIDE AREA--NEXT 6 MILES." I thought that meant there were plenty of playgrounds where you could go on the slide. Apparently it means that rocks can fall down from the cliffs and crush your car. So what exactly are you supposed to do after seeing these signs? Drive faster?