Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I've decided to become a talking head. After all, I spend all my time talking. How hard could it be? A little makeup, they give you a microphone, and you sound off. If I feel like throwing a tantrum they can always go to commercial. Besides, I'll be awesome with the younger demographic.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Did you see where Paris Hilton referred to being in jail as a "time out"? Is she really just a big baby? Then again, I felt sorry for her because I have been getting a lot of time outs. Every time I whine, cry or refuse to do something, it's off to my room! Can you imagine? Sometimes they even make me stay in the bathroom. Don't worry -- I'm saving it all for my tell-all memoir.
This was a big week for me because I got to meet Elmo. Got a big hug and everything, at Sesame Place. He didn't say anything, though. Not much personality. Maybe someone writes all those lines for him on television!