Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tiger Woods is on TV all the time. How'd he get that name, Tiger? I don't like golf. Too boring. Every time Tiger is on they show pictures of women. Lots of women. They all look the same. They're not wearing too many clothes. Are they too poor to buy them? What is a mistress, anyway?
When I'm not watching Tiger, I'm watching Laurie. She doesn't cry as much, and sometimes she smiles at me. But she still doesn't talk, or do much of anything. She's as boring as watching golf.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Abby Does 1600 Pennsylvania

Abby the Babyblogger went to the White House today.
It took me years of blogging to get to the point where I could get invited. But I still didn't get enough attention. President Obama didn't say hello to my class. We didn't even get to see Bo the dog.
I saw the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green Room. I liked the red best of all. I sat in one of the old red chairs. I also saw the giant Christmas tree. There was a paper tree, and we all got to write little messages and put them in.
Now that the White House knows about my blog, I hope Obama will invite me for lunch one day like he does with some of the newspaper people. I hope they serve juiceboxes, though.