Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What happened to Rudy? And John Edwards? And Fred Thompson? I was so used to seeing them on TV! And now there are only a few candidates left. The big issues, as far as I can tell, is whether Barack snubbed Hillary (I do that sometimes when I'm cranky), whether Barack is part of something called Camelot (apparently there's an old song that goes with it, and somebody named JFK), and whether Mac has been too mean to Mitt. It kind of sounds like the fights that break out on the playground.
We are close to something called Super Tuesday. Or Super Duper Tuesday, when they get extra excited. I don't know what makes it super, but everyone keeps talking about it. I'm just hoping it's a school holiday.
I want to blog about other news, but there doesn't seem to be any other news. Except a big football game on Sunday. Some kind of bowl. Ha, next thing you know they'll be calling that super too.


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