I saw Barack Obama on 60 Minutes. Did he have any news? I couldn't tell. The news around here is the baby. I didn't know that having a baby around was so hard. She cries all the time. And she eats a lot. That's it.
The baby cries so much that they had to turn on a hair dryer to calm her down. Have you ever heard of anything so silly?
It's a good thing I speak baby talk. I can tell my parents what Laurie wants. But I'm not getting enough attention. I have to wait for things. I hate waiting.
Today I was told I have to stop all this and listen to mom and dad. "I will," I said. Then I started walking away. "At some point."
I heard about this 5-year-old girl who sung on America's Got Talent and is making an album. She's got a Twitter account. Should I get on Twitter? I've got a lot to say every day. Is the whole blogging thing getting old? I was watching a news show and looking at the letters moving at the bottom of the screen. Why are they there? They were moving toward an arrow. It was a good game to follow them. My new baby sister is cuter than me. But she doesn't seem that smart. All she does is sleep. I tried reading her a book and her eyes were closed during the whole thing. I can't believe it. Why is she so tired? She never does anything. We must take her to the doctor to figure out what's wrong with her, why she never wakes up.