Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I heard about this 5-year-old girl who sung on America's Got Talent and is making an album. She's got a Twitter account. Should I get on Twitter? I've got a lot to say every day. Is the whole blogging thing getting old?
I was watching a news show and looking at the letters moving at the bottom of the screen. Why are they there? They were moving toward an arrow. It was a good game to follow them.
My new baby sister is cuter than me. But she doesn't seem that smart. All she does is sleep. I tried reading her a book and her eyes were closed during the whole thing. I can't believe it. Why is she so tired? She never does anything. We must take her to the doctor to figure out what's wrong with her, why she never wakes up.


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