Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Friday, July 03, 2009

The TV said today that Michael Jackson is dead. That's also what the TV said yesterday. And the day before. Was he president or something? I never heard his music. Well, I never heard his music until this week, when everyone keeps playing it. Why did he wear those strange outfits?
Just when I thought there would never be anything else on TV, Sarah Palin quit today. I couldn't understand why. Is she tired of her job? Is she tired of Alaska? And to think I wanted to support her for vice president because she had a baby. I don't even know what vice president does, but she seemed like she might be fun to have around. She sure didn't make any sense today. Is she like that guy Mark Sanford? Does she have a friend in Argentina? Where is Argentina, anyway?
I want to run for president. I will tell people to be smarter and read more newspapers. But I don't know how to make them do this.
I came up with a plan to kick the pacifier habit. I will have them warmed up, and then I won't want to use them, because I like them cold. And I'm going to start that right away. Um, soon.


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