Had my 4th BIRTHDAY party today. We painted pieces of pottery and ate bagels and cake. I am so much older now. When my parents asked if I needed help going to the potty, I said no way. I'm not 3 anymore! I can do it myself. Maybe I need to change the name of this blog. Abby the Babyblogger now sounds too babyish. How about Abby, The Little Girl with Big Ideas? I don't understand why Barack Obama isn't president yet. He won the election, didn't he? And I see him on TV every day. Maybe you have to be 5 to get it.
Now that Obama has won, I'm thinking about my own presidential run. I made a list. I promise that all children should have good toys. I promise that all children should have good books. They should also have good playgrounds. I have lots of other ideas, or my momm--my advisers do. Yes, I know I'm not old enough to run yet. But you have plan these things in advance. So remember: Abby in 2042!
I'm glad Barack Obama won. I like his name. And I finally know how to pronounce it. Everyone on TV looked so happy when he won. He will be my second president. You don't see Bush on TV much any more. I guess he's packing. I also like that Obama's girls are moving into the White House. One is only a little older than me. And I heard they're getting a dog. See, this will be fun. I was getting tired of seeing all those maps anyway. What do the red and blue stand for again? I play a lot of computer games now that I have my own laptop. It's almost as much fun as blogging. And all you have to do is click the mouse. So if you don't hear from me for awhile, you'll know where I am.