Update: I just got a time out, but it was in room with a view of the beach, ocean and palm trees. So bleeahh!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
I was chilling out in Santa Monica, trying to have some fun, but the people in the restaurant were soooo stuffy. When I started taking off my shirt, they acted like I had forgotten to use my bib or something. And Mommy didn't seem too pleased when I suggested that she should take off her shirt too.
Did you see this New York Times story about how some restaurants are trying to upgrade children's menus? That they don't just want to offer chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese? Now they want baked chicken with Asian-style citrus marinade and rice noodles? Well, they're not going to get my business. What's next--no juice boxes? If there's no mac and cheese, I'd rather stay home and eat string cheese.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"I have to go to the bathroom." You'd think I had announced that I discovered a cure for diaper rash. Everyone was so excited about my request. Apparently making pee-pee is a big deal for grownups.
Now that I'm 2 and a half, I think maybe I should drop the "Babyblogger" name. But Abby the Big-Girl Blogger doesn't have the same ring.
I see Rosie got kicked off The View for being a big mouth and arguing with that other woman. That is bad. She should use her inside voice. I wonder if she ever gets a time out.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Sorry that I haven't been posting. I've been playing with my imag-i-nary friend Woof. He keeps me very busy.
I can count from 1 to 10 in Spanish now. Everyone is very impressed, even though I learned it from a Sesame Street song. It's so easy to wow the grownups.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Grownups have such bad manners! I was in my high chair, with a plate of not-so-great food, listening to my Rocknosaurus tape, when I was told to eat some more. Humph! "I'm singing my songs," I said. "Or else I will spit. And get food on my shirt." Well, that showed them! Imagine asking me to sing and chew at the same time. I'm much better behaved than that.
Not only that, I wanted to watch the D.C. Madam on teevee, but they made me go to bed. I must get my own set.