Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Monday, October 31, 2005

See? Another man for the Supreme Court! What, Harriet Miers was the only woman in the country Bush could find? (I hear she actually wasn't that qualified. Has anyone else heard that?) Now women have to wait until someone else dies for another shot? I can't count past 10, but the score on the court would be 8 to 1 in favor of men.
By the way, when I got into the bathroom cabinet today, my mom shouted: "Abby's teething on a tampon!" Is that a bad thing? What are those things used for, anyway?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I hear this Scooter guy is in trouble. (That sounds like the name of one of my playground friends. "Scooter, time for dinner!") It seems he went after some other guy's wife, or lied about it. How low is that? Why didn't he just challenge the other guy to a fight, rather than drag his wife into it? I also heard that Valerie, the wife, was a spy. How cool is that? Does she know lots of secrets? Was she spying on Scooter? Grownups have all the fun.
I went to my first Halloween parade today. Everyone was dressed up in crazy costumes. I met a clown and blue dog guy that the other kids were calling Blue's Clues. He didn't bark, though. And everyone (except me) seemed to get candy. What I can't figure out, though, is what they were celebrating. Maybe if I was a spy I could find out.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What happened to Harriet? She doesn't even get a hearing? I had gotten extra baby food so I could sit in front of the set and watch the action. Now she's toast? It's because she's a woman, isn't it? Even my young brain could figure out that she didn't seem to know what she was doing, but isn't that true of lots of men? Like this guy Brownie who everyone keeps saying didn't do a heck of a job?
I have a new pastime at the house: furniture mover. I push a stool around the family room and whatever else I can get my hands on. It seems to upset the grownups, but it could come in handy if we ever relocate to another house.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I've been in the Situation Room, I've played Hardball and I've crawled through Scarborough Country, and I still can't figure out what's going on. Maureen is mad at Judy? Judy went to jail to protect Scooter? Karl saved Matt from the slammer? Pat may throw the book at Karl and Scooter? Dick may be involved too? How is anyone supposed to follow this? And who is Valerie Flame? Did she change her name? The plot is so much harder than "Pat the Bunny."
I think I'll go back to watching the Cartoon Network.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Did you see that bottomless baby on the front page of the New York Times? You wouldn't catch me posing with my pants down! But I guess Hannah Rothstein (or her parents) wanted her 15 minutes of fame (which is a lot when you're 7 months old). The story says some parents are potty-training their babies at ridiculously young ages. May I just say, as a proud diaper-wearer: Pffft! What a dumb idea. Babies who can't walk or talk are going to poop on command? What's next, expecting us to use toilet paper? I plan to let my parents deal with my messes for many months to come. My only use for that Times article is to wipe my tush.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I saw my first baseball game tonight. What are those guys doing walking around with bats and helmets? It was all very confusing. And why did my father jump up and down and shout "Yankees!" after the ball went up in the air and no one caught it? Put a cork in it! And they say babies keep losing it.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Yay! A woman for the Supreme Court! I watched the nomination before my morning bottle.
But I don't get it. Why do people keep saying they're not sure if Harriet is qualified? She looks like a strict schoolteacher who would rap your knuckles if you misbehaved. Isn't that enough?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Who is this guy the Hammer, and what did he do wrong? Did he keep pounding other people? Are they happy that Tom DeLay got nailed? (Ha ha. A little baby humor.)
I hit my first street fair today. By using the always-effective sad face, I got to nibble on all kinds of good stuff: Steak sandwiches. Crabcakes. A seafood kabob. Pasta and mushrooms. Some Thai concoction. Sooo much better than the strained fruit I'm usually stuck with.
The governor of Maryland was at the festival, but nobody was talking to him. I wonder why. A guy dressed up as a tortilla had a much bigger crowd around him!