I just broke some White House gossip. Not bad for a 5-year-old.
No one else has my scoop, that an important person who works for Barack Obama is going to leave.
I can't reveal my source, but you probably don't know Theo. In my class. His mom works for the White House. That's all I'm saying.
I saw a guy on TV talking about the Worst Person in the World. Who is he? Why does he get to decide? Are these bad people?
Haven't been blogging much because I've been writing books. A Day at the Zoo. Princess Magic. Robot Vacation. At first I charged one dollar but now I'm up to two dollars. No one's paying me to write these items. I guess you've got to go where the money is. At least until I save up for the Snoopy video I want.
P.S. - I spent a lot of time now making sure my sister doesn't get into trouble. Maybe you've heard of her. She is Destructo-baby.