Enough about Anna Nicole already! Every time I turn on the TV there was this huuuge woman--nobody I know looked like that, even when I was breastfeeding--who wore these teensy outfits. I mean, I have dresses that are bigger than Anna Nicole's. From what I can tell she didn't have any actual talent. So why did everyone go bonkers over her? I hope I don't look like that when I grow up or I might fall over.
And what about that crazy woman astronaut? The one who drove across the country in a diaper? Why did everyone think that was so funny. I'd have to go pee-pee too if I took a 900-mile car ride. I don't understand the other stuff she had--what is pepper spray? I get mine from a shaker--but the diaper makes perfect sense.
Meanwhile, it's official: I've given up the bottle. They finally got the hint. I was only getting it at night, but when I basically stopped drinking the milk, I got my trusty sippy cup instead. I'm too old to be seen with a bottle. Besides, they make you burp. The next bottle I want, when I get a little older, is a beer bottle.