Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I was so riveted by the news that I stopped eating my vegetables. I just sat there in the high chair and watched. The Hammer is quitting! Bam! But no one ever explained why they call him that. Does he like to pound people? What exactly did he do wrong? And who is this Hardball guy who was interviewing Tom DeLay? Is he a baseball pitcher? Boy, this is more interesting than peas and carrots.
And what's all this talk about Katie Couric? A woman is going to deliver the news? Hello? I've only been around 16 months, but I've seen lots of women deliver the news. They all seem to use a lot of hair spray. So why is Katie going to make so much more money? Does it have anything to do with being..what was that word they kept using...perky? Maybe I should start working on my perkiness, in between my temper tantrums.


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