Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just got back from New York and boy did I have a great time. The family kept trying to interest me in some green statue holding up a torch outside the hotel window, but that didn't do much for me. I got to go on the escalator--up and down, at least 50 times. And they don't even charge for the ride! Now that was fun. There were also presents. Well, I deserve it, since I have to provide the entertainment at every family gathering. And I got to listen to all kinds of rock and roll on the car ride back. So much better than the kiddie stuff they usually play for me.
I see they're having a big Mardi Gras party down in New Orleans. Sign me up! Do they let babies in? What happened to all the flooding? And why are people dressing up in costumes if most of the place has been drowned? Maybe I'll just stay home, where it's dry.


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