I'm jealous of Jetta. She's 11 months old--younger than me--and, according to this New York Times story, she has an HP laptop. Can you imagine! Here I am blogging away and I have to sneak onto my parents' computer, while this spoiled brat has a laptop, a VideoNow player and a whole bunch of other electronic toys. The piece is about whether babies learn anything from this stuff. Boy, are they clueless. I can surf with the best of them when I get my hands on the mouse. Don't you think it's time I got my own equipment?
I'm just back from Malibu, where I went to a Christmas show at the local elementary school. The buzz was that a lot of celebrities' children were in the show, including two of Kenny G's kids. Very exciting, except: Who is Kenny G? And why doesn't he have a last name?
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