Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I wuz robbed. CNN kept saying that Karl Rove was going to come on. The guy with the beard kept saying so. I wondered whether he was going to talk about the CIA story. But then it turned out he was just giving a speech. And a boring speech! He kept talking about how he was a Federalist and thanking everybody. CNN got out of there in a hurry. Otherwise I was going to drool on the remote until the set went off.
But who cares about that? I got wheels! Yup, my very own car. It even has a horn. You have to make it go with your feet, but it's very cool. Plus, I can push it around the house, which beats walking, especially when you can't walk, like me. I hope nobody finds out I don't have a driver's license. They don't ticket babies, do they?


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