Luke must think he's hot stuff. He's 22 months old and has two Web sites, one of them called, according to this New York Times story. Well, I'm not impressed. For one thing, his dad bought up the Web name. And his parents post everything on these sites. What a weenie this kid must be! They're just using him, probably to put up a bunch of stupid baby pictures. For your information, Mr., I do all my own blogging. And the story boasts that he "knows his animals." Well, so do I, and I'm just 13 months. Moo, Meow, Woof, I've got them all covered. And I'm so much younger. So how come the New York Times isn't writing up Abby the Babyblogger? I'm with the Seattle woman who questioned why these parents were buying up e-mail addresses for babies that are barely out of the womb. "That's like getting e-mail for your dog," she said. I agree. Woof!
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