Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm in big trouble. The American Academy of Pediatrics says children under 2 aren't supposed to watch TV. That's what this Washington Post story says. It's supposed to fry our brains or something. So they're whining over some new DVDs featuring Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster aimed at my demographic. I think these doctors are nuts. As a certified Elmoholic, I see nothing wrong with planting myself in front of the set. There's even stuff with letters and numbers to force you to learn. If I couldn't watch videos, I'd spend even more time running around the house, throwing temper tantrums, bumping into things and falling. Isn't that dangerous too? Let one of these big-shot pediatricians come over my house and try to take care of me for a week. Within two days, he'd have me in front of the set and be begging me to watch some TV.
Meanwhile, tennis is my new game. I ran onto the court one day and the guy gave me a racket and I learned how to hit the ball. Then he gave me a baby racket. I hear there's big money in tennis for young girls. All I have to do is work on my backhand.


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