Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Monday, October 09, 2006

What kind of naughty things did Mark Foley write? I never heard of the guy before. Why is it so bad for him to be writing to young boys? Everybody talks about it but nobody ever says what was in his e-mail. Something about asking a kid for a picture. Why didn't he just check out the guy on Facebook? Anyway, it must be pretty bad because he lost his job and all the other congressmen are saying they didn't know and had no idea. I'm going to start being more careful about my blog in case I ever try to get elected to something.
I flew to New York this weekend. Things got off to an exciting start when they announced the flight and I ran down the jetway, without my parents. A big man came and got me. Apparently I didn't have something called a boarding pass. I don't see what the fuss was about. Did they think I had a tube of killer toothpaste or something?
I got plenty of presents there, including a Mr. Potato Head. But he looks kind of dorky so I wouldn't be seen with him in public.


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