Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

I just watched the memorial service for Gerald Ford. He must have been president a long time ago. The only president I know is George Bush. I was born right after he was reelected. I didn't know there had been so many others. It already feels like Bush has been president forever. I wonder how old I'll have to be before he has to get another job. Anyway, there were lots of flags and cannons and speeches. But no commercials. I missed the commercials. I especially like the one with the duck, for Aflac or something.
There's another guy who died this week, James Brown. They keep showing him singing on TV and with really weird hair. He looks cooler than Ford.
I've been playing with my new oven every day. I think I'll be a chef when I grow up. That way I can make hot dogs and hamburgers all the time and put mustard on them and not have to eat all this healthy stuff that keeps showing up on my tray.


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