Abby the Babyblogger

Thoughts of a very young Washington, D.C. observer.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I feel robbed! I thought the court was supposed to get another woman! Weren't the TV guys talking about Edith something-or-other all day? Didn't Laura Bush say she wanted a babe? Instead, we get an eighth man to go with Ruth Baby Ginsburg? I feel so...underrepresented.
My latest accomplishment is to crawl up the stairs. I've made it to the third step. At this point the grownups usually go bonkers, especially when I try to stand up. What do they think, I'm going to slide down and land on my tush? They're soooo overprotective. Don't they know babies are indestructible?
Update: I see Sandra Day O'Connor has taken note that the new guy just adds to the testosterone on the court: "He's good in every way, except he's not a woman." Go sister! She seems to have made this comment while fly-fishing. Who holds a news conference while fly-fishing? What is fly-fishing, anyway? I wouldn't have the patience to stand in the water all day waiting for fish. I pound on the high chair if I'm not fed right away!


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