MAY 26
I hear all this whining about Senate filibusters and it just sounds like babble. These senatorsare fighting for the right to stay up all night and sound off? I do that now and nobody makes a fuss about it. I can even go nuclear, according tomy parents. Some of these senators look really cranky. I think they need a nap. By the way, did you see that picture of President Bush kissing a baby onthe front page of the New York Times and Washington Post? I'm wayyyy cuter than that. Why haven't I gotten a White House invite? Iheard it was a frozen-embryo baby. But does the president want to be discriminating against Naturally-Born Americans? Or blogging babies?
MAY 25
To that special guest at my first-ever party: Your fingers tasted lovely, better than the rest. Observing Washington life in the arms of varied Washington journalists, activists and wonks was exciting for me. Right now I am trying to figure out the most fun for my requisite youthful indiscretion that I will deeply regret 30 years from now. Thanks for giving me my first networking opportunity. I will be in touch. Someday when I have teeth, maybe we can do lunch.
ABBY (5 months)
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